François Lique is the primary investigator of the Collexism project.
His research mainly focuses on the modeling of physico-chemical processes of astrophysical interest and its applications. The objective is to obtain precise data for the processes (radiative, collisional or reactive) in which the interstellar molecules are involved.
His work has enabled important advances in the field of astro-molecular, such as the discovery of new interstellar physical molecules or the resolution of problems related to the abundance of interstellar species.
Spectroscopic and Collision Phenomena in Atmospheric Photochemistry, Astrochemistry, and Planetary Sciences (SCAPAPS), Toruń,
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Physical and Chemical processes of astrophysical interest: Towards the detection of new species, workshop 2023, St Florent,
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Francesca Tonolo
Francesca Tonolo
Francesca Tonolo is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute de Physique de Rennes (IPR).
She focuses on the computational study of inelastic and reactive processes of astrophysical and atmospheric interests. These investigations aim to provide an accurate theoretical framework to improve the modeling of gas-phase molecular species under various physical conditions, ranging from the interstellar medium and cometary comas to planetary atmospheres, including Earth's own atmosphere.
Paul Pirlot Jankowiak
Paul Pirlot Jankowiak
Paul Pirlot Jankowiak is a PhD student at the Institut de Physique de Rennes (IPR). His thesis is focused on theoretical studies of collisional excitation of interstellar molecules.
In particular, the study of open shell molecules is of interest since they are one of the tracers of the physical and chemical conditions of molecular clouds.
Such complex energetic structure is a real theoretical challenge. Then, it is necessary to develop numerical and methodological tools in order to determine accurate collisional data for astrophysical applications.
Physique Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire (PCMI) 2024, Bordeaux,
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Spectroscopic and Collision Phenomena in Atmospheric Photochemistry, Astrochemistry, and Planetary Sciences (SCAPAPS), Toruń,
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Amélie Godard Palluet
Amélie Godard Palluet
Amélie Godard Palluet is a PhD student at the Physics Institute of Rennes (IPR).
Her thesis work is focused on molecular aggregates in astrophysical media, with a particular interest on aggregates for cometary applications. The objective of the thesis is to develop a new methodology to treat large collisional systems.
She is specialized in theoretical chemistry. She is producing spectroscopic data, potential energy surfaces and rate coefficients for neutral chemical species in non-reactive collisions. She is also doing some astrophysical modeling in homogeneous astrophysical media.
She is also a representative of the non-permanents (Phd students and PostDocs) at the IPR.
Physique Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire (PCMI) 2024, Bordeaux,
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Physical and Chemical processes of astrophysical interest: Towards the detection of new species, workshop 2023, St Florent,
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Antonios Papaioannou
Antonios Papaioannou
Antonios Papaioannou is a PhD student at the Centre Atlantique de Philosophie (CAPHI) and the Institut de Physique de Rennes (IPR), under the joint supervision of Marie Gueguen and François Lique. His research interests lie in the philosophy of science, particularly in cosmology and the astro-sciences.
His thesis is concerned with studying how astrochemistry deals with high-uncertainty contexts and limited observational data. He aims to evaluate the epistemic reliability of data produced through astrochemical methods, develop epistemic tools to better understand and support the practice of astrochemistry, and assess the potential value of those methods in the philosophy of science and other scientific disciplines. Currently, his work at the IPR focuses on studying the NO-He collisional system.
Alexandre Faure
Alexandre Faure
Alexandre Faure is an external collaborator of the COLLEXISM group.
The research of Dr. Alexandre Faure cover a range of topics on the theory of molecular collisions in astrophysics, with a focus on quantum aspects (state-resolved collisions).
In COLLEXISM, he is involved in building a state-selected chemical network for early Universe chemistry, as well as modeling the excitation of reactive molecular ions such as CH+.
Physical and Chemical processes of astrophysical interest: Towards the detection of new species, workshop 2023, St Florent,
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Collisional excitation of (reactive) astrophysical molecules and its applications workshop 2022, St Florent,
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Pierre Hily-Blant
Pierre Hily-Blant
Pierre Hily-Blant is an external collaborator of the COLLEXISM group.
The research of Dr. Pierre Hily-Blant covers a range of topics related to the formation of stars and planets, from molecular clouds to protoplanetary disks. His expertise is on the interplay between physical and chemical processes, including astrochemical modeling, radiative transfer, and observations.
In COLLEXISM, he is involved in building a state-selected chemical network for early Universe chemistry in view of modeling the initial conditions of the formation of the Population III stars.
Guillaume Raffy
Guillaume Raffy
Guillaume is a research engineer at the Institut de Physique de Rennes.
He is specialized in software engineering, and works with the team on the development and improvement of scientific softwares. For instance, he is involved in the HIBRIDON 5 project with B. Desrousseaux, F. Lique, P. Dagdigian and M. Alexander.
Physical and Chemical processes of astrophysical interest: Towards the detection of new species, workshop 2023, St Florent,
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Collisional excitation of (reactive) astrophysical molecules and its applications workshop 2022, St Florent,
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Cheikh Bop
Cheikh Bop
Cheikh Bop is a post doctorate at the Institut de Physique de Rennes (IPR). His research is mainly focused on the rotational energy transfer induced by collisions with molecular hydrogen of the widely spread interstellar cyanides and their isotopologues.
The main objective is to better understand the growth of prebiotic molecules which presumably preceded the appearance of life on Earth.
Cheikh is also an instructor at the Pan-African School for Emerging Astronomers (PASEA) which aims to build a critical mass of astronomer in Africa.
The 4th annual African Astronomical Society conference (AFAS-2024), Marrakech,
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Physical and Chemical processes of astrophysical interest: Towards the detection of new species, workshop 2023, St Florent,
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Sándor Demes
Sándor Demes
Sándor Demes is a postdoctorate at the Institut de Physique de Rennes (IPR).
He is studying the collisional excitation of hydrogen-containing molecules and cations in astrophysical media using highly accurate theoretical methods.
He is computing state-to-state rate coefficients for rotational excitation of hydronium (H3O+) and ammonia (NH3) in collision with molecular hydrogen (H2). With these data, he performs radiative transfer model calculations for interstellar clouds. These modelings help to analyse the physical conditions in such environments and interpret the observations in cold and diffuse interstellar media.
Physique Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire (PCMI) 2024, Bordeaux,
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QuantumGrain Workshop: Emerging Horizons in the Chemistry of the Universe, Barcelona,
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Maxime Gontel
Maxime Gontel
Maxime Gontel is a PhD student of the Collexism team since December 2020 under the co-supervision of Francois Lique (IPR) and Alexandre Faure (IPAG).
His work is mainly focused on state-to-state chemistry in the early universe and formation of the first cosmological objects.
Ionization Fraction of the Interstellar Medium (IFISM) workshop 2021, Le Havre,
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Rafael is a post doctorate at the Institut de Physique de Rennes (IPR). His research focuses on the modeling of physico-chemical processes with several interests and applications.
In COLLEXISM, he is involved in the modeling of organic molecules-water complexes in order to understand their formation processes in the interstellar media.
Physical and Chemical processes of astrophysical interest: Towards the detection of new species, workshop 2023, St Florent,
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26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena 2022, Rennes,
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Benjamin Desrousseaux
Benjamin Desrousseaux
Benjamin Desrousseaux is a PhD at the Institut de Physique de Rennes. He is a member of the Collexism team.
His work mainly focuses on the modeling of collisional excitation of interstellar species, ions and neutral species. During his thesis, he is mainly focused on reactive collisional systems, which still represent a great theoretical challenge… To treat these kind of systems, he developed a new code, the SARAS code, based on the statistical theories.
He defended his thesis the 21 of November 2022, and became a doctor that day.
Michał Żółtowski is a PhD at the Institut de Physique de Rennes (IPR). He was hired by the Laboratoire des Ondes et Milieux Complexes (LOMC) in Le Havre for his thesis.
He is interested in interstellar collisional excitation of large molecular systems. Currently, his work is focused on the CO-CO collisional energy transfer, and also on the HCN/HNC collisional excitation induced by H2O. These studies provide rate coefficients related to these systems, which will be used in astrophysical modeling.
He defended his thesis the 26 of January 2023, and became a doctor that day.
Physical and Chemical processes of astrophysical interest: Towards the detection of new species, workshop 2023, St Florent,
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Marie Gueguen is a postdoctorate at the Institut de Physique de Rennes (IPR).
Marie is a philosopher of science specialised in evaluating the reliability of models, especially numerical ones, in context of high uncertainty. Her contribution to the COLLEXISM team relies on the following three axis:
1) analysing the efficiency and limits of sensitivity analysis in improving the adequacy of astrochemical models
2) understanding the uncertainty management techniques deployed in astrochemistry from the theoretical, experimental and modeling perspectives and the most adequate strategies to handle each type of these strategies, finally
3) facilitating the interdisciplinary work that is at the heart of astrochemistry, especially between theoretical astrochemistry, astrophysicists and experimentalists in molecular physics.
Physical and Chemical processes of astrophysical interest: Towards the detection of new species, workshop 2023, St Florent,
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Les Mardis de l’Espace des sciences, Rennes, France,
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