by François Lique & Benjamin Desrousseaux & Paul Pirlot Jankowiak, on
Presentation of the event

Les Yeux au Ciel is an occasion for the scientists from Rennes and astrophotographers to share and explain their research topic to a large public, related to astronomy, astrochemistry and exoplanets.
Several animations were proposed during these evening:
- Projection of the documentary "Chasseurs de mondes" from Patrick Baud
- Interaction of researchers with the public animated by David S. Khara. The public could interact with Yveline Lebreton, François Lique, Erwann Carvou and Xavier Strottner.
- Stands set up by PhD students from the Institut de Physique de Rennes to present their research topic and explain the tools they use. Experimental research was presented by Myriam Drissi, Solène Perot and Julien Lecomte, and theoretical research was presented by Benjamin Desrousseaux and Paul Pirlot Jankowiak.
- Exposition of astrophotographs with David S. Khara and Yoann Boury.
- Stand and animation about meteorites by Stéphanie Prisé.
- Quizz about astronomy proposed by Erwann Carvou.
- Planetarium sessions
Mieux caractériser les conditions physiques du milieu interstellaire - B. Desrousseaux, and P. Pirlot Jankowiak