Seminar of philosophy at Center for Space and Habitability 2021, Bern
The seminar of philosophy took place the 15th of December 2021. It was initially planed to take place at the University of Bern but was held online due to sanitary restrictions.
The seminar of philosophy took place the 15th of December 2021. It was initially planed to take place at the University of Bern but was held online due to sanitary restrictions.
The conference Days of “Modeling, Theory and Simulation” (JTMS) was taking place the 8 and 9th of December 2021. It was initially planed to take place at Rennes (France), but was held online due to sanitary restrictions.
The 3rd Congress of the Société Ouest Africaine de Physique: Physics and sustainable development in Africa is taking place from the 1st to 4th of December 2021 at the University Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Abidjan (Ivory Coast)