by Sándor Demes, on
Presentation of the conference

From September 25th to 27th 2023, the 3rd MD-GAS Annual Meeting was taking place in Dubrovnik (Croatia), at the student center Akademis Academia. It was organized in the framework of the COST action CA18212.
The MD-GAS action aims to improve the understanding of the interactions between molecules or clusters and photons, electrons, or heavy particles. The 3rd Annual Meeting is an opportunity to discuss advances and challenges in describing these interactions from the experimental and theoretical perspective.
In this meeting, S. Demes presented his work as a speaker.
Excitation of hot ammonia rotational levels due to collisions with molecular hydrogen - S. Demes, F. Lique, J. Loreau, and A. Faure
We report rotationally state-selective collisional data for the (de)excitation of NH3 induced by H2 [1]. The computations were performed within the close-coupling formalism by the HIBRIDON scattering code [2]. The cross sections are calculated up to 4700 cm-1 kinetic energies and the corresponding rate coefficients are derived up to 500 K, with a total number of 33 ortho- and 62 para-NH3 states included. The collisional propensity rules have been analysed. Rate coefficients were also computed following an averaging over the thermal H2 relative populations, which exhibit significantly larger magnitudes than the corresponding state-to-state collisional data in the case of NH3 transitions with large internal energy difference, due to the strong rotational energy transfer and near-resonance effects between the colliders.
[1] S. Demes, F. Lique, J. Loreau, A. Faure, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 2023, 524, 2368-2378.
[2] M. Alexander, P. Dagdigian, H.-J. Werner, J. Kłos et al., Comp. Phys. Comm. 2023, 289, 108761.